Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Favourite memories

One of my favourite memories in Sydney was actually attending Saima's birthday party in 2005/6. Dining in an open garden with Saima's friends Shazina, Chocan and their kids Samiir & Zara. Wahaj, Kamran & other came to join too.

Saima's landlord Judy had a 4 year old daughter called Sage who loved to dance jazz ballet. Sage's friend Lea joined in & invited me to, so I got a jazz ballet lesson from am exuberant 4-year old who was both more energetic & expressive. Fluid! I did my best to learn. I guess I was the only person following her orders closely. "I like you," she said. "You're a good teacher," came my reply.

Judy, Sage, Saima & I went for ice cream afterwards at Coogee Beach. It was about 9.30pm & still bustling with Beachgoers! One well-built guy displaying rippling six-pack & golden tan, wearing only shorts strolled out of the ice-cream shop past us. Sage stared and remarked after him "Putcher shirt on mate! Too much information!"

It was so funny because I can't think of any Malaysian 4-year old having the gumption to make that funny remark.. You have to just love freely expressive children who don't censor themselves.

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