Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sydney Pumphouse

Last year Chris Yee complained it was hard to get dances at the Sydney Salsa Fest, but when I asked her where she went for dance during the Fest, it turned out she went to the wrong places; i.e. salsa spots that were more for drinkers.

For those headed to the Sydney for Salsa, look no further than the Sydney Pumphouse.. my best dance practice memories in Sydney are from there; and it wasn't just about me dancing; it was watching dance mates and the entire collective crowd in action. It's like QBA on steroids; dancers eat and practice on the 2nd floor too, with a birds eye view of the mass of salsa pros and talent below. Accoustics are world-class. I'm indebted to Tim Yang and Becky Lee for advising me to head there for practice. The pumphouse's in-house teacher Graeme has some really nice music and shines in his lessons. He's also very funny; kept calling me Mr Singapore, despite me telling him I was Malaysian. I guess the Singaporeans have a much bigger impact on the salsa scene there.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Striking memories

Forward to my last semester to complete my MSE degree (S2, 2008). Before we go on let me say Shalom College (my S2 2008 lodging at UNSW) is miles ahead of Barker in terms of study environment. I can study all day without getting interrupted other than for voluntary breaks for meals.

Another striking thing about Oz culture is its amazing opennes & acceptance of "foreign" Asian languages & culture (even though it may not really be original!).

(1) Yesterday (18 Aug 08), Jian Xian (Shalom mate) knocked on my door telling my it's Karaoke night; feel free to join in the lounge. So I went to the lounge, where Thai & Mandarin songs were being belted out, all of them "modernly" depressive sounding & about breakups! And more than half the listeners didn't speak or understand the language, but they listened! Reminds of the time Bro Kevin & Bro Michael were given front seats at SJI S'pore to listen to a mad-loud Mat Rock band. Bro Kevin & Bro Michael sat attentively for the entire 1-2 hours! Astonishing.
(2) Tonight I came back from Swing lessons & heard more depressing Mandarin rock from the Roundhouse. So I went to see what it was & it was a grunge-punk chinese band, playing Mandarin Rock to a crowd that was more than half Caucasian! Remarkable; I can't think of any group of Malays, Indians or Ibans in Malaysia who would sit down to take an interest in Mandarin rock music, particularly when they didn't speak the language.

(Or maybe they were just looking for loud rhythm at Roundhouse?)

Favourite memories

One of my favourite memories in Sydney was actually attending Saima's birthday party in 2005/6. Dining in an open garden with Saima's friends Shazina, Chocan and their kids Samiir & Zara. Wahaj, Kamran & other came to join too.

Saima's landlord Judy had a 4 year old daughter called Sage who loved to dance jazz ballet. Sage's friend Lea joined in & invited me to, so I got a jazz ballet lesson from am exuberant 4-year old who was both more energetic & expressive. Fluid! I did my best to learn. I guess I was the only person following her orders closely. "I like you," she said. "You're a good teacher," came my reply.

Judy, Sage, Saima & I went for ice cream afterwards at Coogee Beach. It was about 9.30pm & still bustling with Beachgoers! One well-built guy displaying rippling six-pack & golden tan, wearing only shorts strolled out of the ice-cream shop past us. Sage stared and remarked after him "Putcher shirt on mate! Too much information!"

It was so funny because I can't think of any Malaysian 4-year old having the gumption to make that funny remark.. You have to just love freely expressive children who don't censor themselves.